Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (2025)

Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (1)Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (2)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (3)

Roger Hodgson Concerts

In his concerts Roger brings to life the songs that have becomethe soundtrack of our lives and gives the legendary voice andpurest sound of the original anthem hits such asGive aLittle Bit, the Logical Song, Take the Long Way Home, Dreamer,School, Breakfast in America, and many others. Along withhis classic songs recorded during his time with Supertramp,Roger includes new songs and songs from his solo albums suchas,Lovers in the Wind,Along Came Mary, Love is aThousand TimesandDeath and a Zoo.

Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (4)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (5)Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (6)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (7) Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (8)

[Hodgson's] sterling voice was in peak form,effortlessly hitting the high notes and carrying the melodieswith a fluid nonchalance. How cool to hear the nuances andinflections of the original songs in exactly the right places,just like they were in the grooves of the old vinyl LPs.

Lynn Saxberg – Ottawa Citizen

Hodgson still has that wonderful unlimited vocalrange! The Breakfast in America Tour brings us the soundtrack of our lives.

Gerrit Van De Vijver – MusicZine

"Delivered, as promised. Roger Hodgson promised “a very, very special show, an incredible show, a very intimate show, a very well-rounded set. His two-hour-plus performance was all of that and more."J.P. Squire, The Kelowna Daily Courier

The artist sometimes played piano, sometimes guitar,and is a rare poet and in total harmony with the crowd.PaulineVolvert - L'

"This is Supertramp as it’s supposed to be heard and if anything his voice sounds better now than it ever has; effortless, pristine, clear. .. I’ve not seen such a warm and engaging performancesince the Roger Hodgson show [at Royal Albert Hall] last time out. This place and this band are made for each other."
Simon Reed, Rock Shot Magazine

"Roger Hodgson was able to measure, once again, the extraordinary bond that his miraculous songs weave with his audience."Ladépê

For two hours we’d come together and enjoyed this down-to-earth English chap. He’d put on stellar show and crammed it with hits and other precious gems from his large back catalogue. At over two hours it’s fair to say thatRoger Hodgsonand band had given much more than just a little bit. They’d given a lot and then some…

Natalie Salvo – The AU Review

"Throughout all the years the exceptional British musician and founder of the rock band Supertramp has not lost lost anything of his unmistakable tenor singing voice. It sounds better than ever. He has found the way into the hearts of the audience with his music."Südkurier

"Truly, if you come to one of these shows, you are seeing the Best Of Supertramp, delivered by the Voice Of Supertramp."
Classic Rock Society Magazine

Roger Hodgsonis proving that he indeed was the golden voice ofSupertramp.
Scott Smith – Real Rock News

Beautiful. That’s the word that just keeps popping into your head when watching Roger Hodgson perform. Breathtaking might also apply.
I want more certainly would."

Ted Hansen – Mesa Classic Rock Music Examiner

"This is the real deal: a legendary music man, in brilliant formand shimmering presence, supported by a tight, terrific band.When you can catch a show, go. An evening with Roger Hodgsonwill raise your standards of concert-going."
Huffington Post

"Timeless songs, a unique tone of voice, emotions and chills. Roger Hodgson has transported his audience in the best years of Supertramp."
Le Journal de Québec

"There's no doubt that being in front of Roger Hodgson and his band is a unique experience musically speaking. He is the reflection of an upright and complete musician through and through."

If you closed your eyes you’d have thought Supertramp were back on stage.

Madeleine Brown – Rhythms Magazine

"Hodgson’s band was on point with furious saxophone playing, funky bass riffs and the man himself sounded pitch perfect as he showcased that he more than dabbles at tickling the ivories. You couldn’t help but have your jaw hang open in awe at the miraculous musicianship."
Savannah Bagshaw, KelownaNow

"Throughout the show it was remarkable that Hodgson's voice has lost nothing since those days thirty years ago when he was lead singer for Supertramp. His voice actually has greater inflection and expressiveness these days and he used both of those to great effect throughout the evening."
Andrew Snook – Atlanta Live Music Examiner

"It's a nonpareil feeling when this voice fills the room. And there's one thing you realize at once: it's not his fans who have come to him - Roger Hodgson is coming to his fans. They belong together. Everyone gives the other what he needs. The night is an entity of music."
Erika Urban,

“The power of the music was indisputable with many of the audience in tears of joy at the memories and emotions the songs evoked. It was like seeing Supertramp back in their heyday.”Evening Herald

"There's dancing, laughing, singing, cheering – just likeHodgson had wished for at the beginning of the night. No-onereally processed that the announced two-hour open air event hadturned into almost three hours. Just like when you meet with agood friend, time flies."
Aachener Nachrichten
“All these years I thought I was a Supertramp fan onlyto discover that I am, in fact, first and foremost, a RogerHodgson fan. His is the voice that spoke to me as a young man, and speaks to me even more powerfully all these years later. What a show! WOW is all I can say.”
David Wild, Contributing editor, Rolling Stone
"Hodgson – supported by his strong band of four - knocks out one classic after the other. It's unmistakable: Hodgson enjoys it to be on stage."Allgemeine Zeitung"Performing a two-hour concert that rivaled the best I’ve experienced, the charismatic Hodgson and his band were embraced by an adoring multigenerational audience."The Mercury"This concert turns into a time travel through more than 40 years of music history in two hours. The audience enjoyed the great performance just as much as Roger Hodgson and his band did. That could be sensed everywhere.""When Roger Hodgson sings, people listen. They also stand up, clap their hands, sing along, cheer, stomp their feet and scream for more."
Backstage Axxess
"A good time was indeed what his listeners were having tonightwith this musical journey to the past which was in no way datedor antiquated but which showed in a fresh and intense way howtimeless and immortal the works are."
Hanauer Anzeiger"The joy of his music and his excellent backing band is contagious, Hodgson's voice still amazing. A thrilling sing-along concert.Actually, you could break down all rows of chairs again after the first third of the concert, because hardly anyone was intheir seat." Abendzeitung"It is a night with a perfect host. Graceful, showing genuine interest in his guests, radiating fine humour – that's how Roger Hodgson entertains his audience. Hodgson celebrates his music, plays the keyboards, piano and guitar. The “Voice of Supertramp” with his vital tenor, which climbs the heights effortlessly, is supported by excellent musicians."“Roger's voice is even better than it was when he was with Supertramp. My friends and I were blown away by the sheer talent Roger has. I would highly recommend anyone to go see Roger live if they can.”Daniel Knighton, Examiner

"Songs that are and will be in the musical memory of many of us, that night we were watching the musical Hodgson in top form, both the piano, guitar and vocally."
The Concert in Concert

Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (9)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (10) Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (11)

Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (12) Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (13)


You can get your Live in Montreal DVD now at the

Roger Hodgson Store

"Normally I'm not a fan of live albums or DVDs. However, when this singer/songwriter from one of my favorite 70s bands, Supertramp, released this DVD featuring his concert recorded in Montreal in '06, I knew it wouldn't be anything less than stellar. I wasn't disappointed!"

"Unlike most singers from our musical past, Roger's voice seems to have only blossomed and improved with time. He gives 150% of himself, resulting in a sweet, soaring vocal performance."

"Beautifully produced, the audio and visuals are a treat for the senses."

"It's a feel-good concert that will leave you smiling (and in my case, cheering!)."

"The whole audience went several times into standing ovations as he sang and played as a "One Man Orchestra" either a "12 Strings Guitar", A Piano, An Electronic Keyboard or The Harmonica. This DVD is a GEM as the stage production including lights and sound as well as the quality of the Video (near HD) are excellent."

"Now that I've watched the DVD 5 times now I can say it's still as great as the first time I've watched it. If you haven't gotten around to see Roger in concert this is the next best thing. a huge Supertramp fan but a Roger Hodgson fan and was glad to see Roger tracks like "love is a thousand times" and "lovers in the wind" made it on the dvd. Roger plays a new track on it "oh brother".

“I currently have a badly broken leg, so about once a day I put in my hand-signed DVD and watch the concert from Montreal. Roger has such a positive attitude it makes me want to get up and dance! Roger Hodgson: rock on!” VK

"It was like once again being part of this wonderful experience and heart warming concert. The DVD is great, you could actually feel how the audience felt watching Roger sing. I'm never going to forget seeing him that night and the DVD will always remind me how much of an amazing and magical evening it was ."

Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (14)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (15) Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (16)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (17) Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (18)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (19)

"Thank you for your music that you so graciously share to somany...your music as indeed helped me along life's pathway andyet continues to guide, strengthens and encourages me tocontinue on no matter the struggles or fears that I may befacing. Thank you and God bless you." ~ Dwayne

Great show, my wife and I enjoyed it immensely...the band wastight and the music and Roger's singular voice just shinedthrough...Roger's music has been part of our lives growingup...brought up so many memories and it was just fantastic to beable to enjoy this music live!!!!
~ Carlos

"Roger - Attended your concert in Milwaukee last night with 2 friends almost exactly 35 years to the day that we saw you with Supertramp. We all agreed that we have never felt more connected to a artist as we did last night. Thank you so much for sharing your stories behind some of our favorite songs. You added a deeper meaning to the music that already had so much meaning for us. Thank you, your band and the orchestra for a wonderful evening. Thank you for the beautiful music! A forever grateful fan!"~ Dave

"…I returned to the past when I was 17 years old. Roger wasextraordinaire. I closed my eyes and I realized the chance Ihave to love this music. Thank you Roger for this specialsmoment and for the great times I will remember for the rest ofmy life."~ Robert

"The show was high energy and all the sounds were there. Hearing the orchestra and band together was absolutely a treat. Great fun as always."~ Michael

"Your voice was and is truly amazing thank you for a greatnight. You are the one that I have been waiting forever tosee live and now my life is complete." ~ Lynn

"I have seen hundreds of shows in the last 30 plus years, butthat show last night ranks as an all time favorite. That wasgreat music and great memories but the presence on stage wasunbelievable-thank you for a night I will not forget." ~ Joe

"Enjoyed a wonderful Sunday evening concert at Place des Arts in Montreal. Your music and more importantly, your enthusiasm for expressing your music to the audience is inspiring! I felt that you sang each and every song with a passion ... not just an empty or bland repetition of sameness! Thank for a wonderful evening." ~ Bruce

"Wow, what a concert! You sounded exactly the same as you didall those years ago- absolutely amazing!"
~ Margaret

"What a wonderful concert. People were on their feet singing, dancing, laughing, yelling for more. I love to hear the comments afterwards as people walk by. It's always, "I had no idea... He sounds better than ever... Best concert I've ever been to..." I just have to smile and think, "yes, you'll be back." ~ Jim

"Rogers music moves me and takes me back to the wonderful days .His music is so pure , so inspiring , and it always touches mysoul ." ~ Kenny

"It's truly a privilege to be one of those 5,000 people to just connect with you for over 2 hours of your incredible showmanship. I honestly can't say enough great things about your music, and what a beautiful person you truly are."~ Diane

"Never have I seen an artist on stage make such a full and beautiful sound. You were able to create it all." ~ Alex

"Best show I have seen in years; Loved the music and theintimate setting with Roger telling stories about his songs andlife. My wife had never heard his music much before and is now atrue believer!"~ Andy

"Few dared to move as we were all entranced, a truely magical performance! Roger and his band with orchestra is an absolute beautiful experience. I think we were all in awe throughout the entire performance."~ Judith

"Very emotional, and the deep bass sound thundered through thewhole place.. The whole band played tight and crisp for over twohours. It was a tour de force." ~ Tom

"What a wonderful show! Thank you for bringing such beautifulmusic to our world, Roger!" ~ Rita

"The intense joy and pleasure I get at your shows almost defies description. Your talent (vocal, instrumental and writing) and humility are almost literally incredible. To see your songs --- without exception such beautiful, well-crafted, intelligent works of art --- performed to perfection is bafflingly overwhelming. I am thunderstruck at the pure, wholesome, overpowering goodness that radiates from your stage. I shake my head at the beauty of it all."

"I had the best time since I don’t remember. Thank you for the precious time you gave us." ~ Jean-Marc

"Fabulous show last night Roger at RAH, so many memories came flooding back listening to all those great songs. I took my 15 year old daughter, she is now a fan. It was brilliant. Still singing the songs this morning. Thank you very much" ~ Paul

"Just wanted to say that I went to the Roger Hodgson concert and it may have been the BEST concert I have ever seen. Roger's voice is even better than it was when he was with Supertramp. My friends and I were blown away by the sheer talent Roger has. I would highly recommend anyone to go see Roger live if they can. Thank You Roger for a wonderful, entertaining night."~ Danny

"There were smiles. There was joy. There were tears as he sang the songs that helped us through the bad times. The melodies and harmonies can not be replicated except by the master himself.. This, my friends, is the music that connects all of us. It was a dream come true to see him, I suggest all do the same. Mr Hodgson is one of us. Thank you for the memories. God Bless you sir-you have helped more folks than you can imagine with your heartfelt songs."

"Roger Hodgson has created music that will live forever. Our lives are that much better because of masters like Roger. Through all the roads we have gone down, Roger's music was there to make life a bit easier. The Beethoven of our times, Roger will be with us forever."

"Roger, your music has been my best friend through good times and bad...... and whenever a song of yours comes on"Roger, your music has been my best friend through good times and bad...... and whenever a song of yours comes on, the troubles of everyday life never seem that bad. Thank you...... from a diehard fan from way back!" ~ Ronald

"He gives us beautiful, touching music. What is closer to heaven on this earth?"~ Carol Dean

"There is something very soulful and charismatic about Roger and I think it probably goes a long way to explaining where those wonderful songs come from deep within him. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to hear Roger sing live quite a few times now. I can understand why people travel far and wide to hear Roger perform -- I know we will again...and again. Thank you Roger."

"All the hits, Roger still has it. Voice, moves and passion. It was such a pleasure to listen to him play all the songs that meant something to him and he passed that enjoyment on with each note. I never sat down. I sang along. I was thrilled that he played all my favorites. The venue was the perfect size for the intimate concert and I saw parents bring their kids and the kids singing along. This music is timeless."

"My first album played on my car stereo when I turned 17, my first love, my wedding, my first child's birth, thank you for the gift of your music and the wonderful memories I still get when I hear it or play it. Your music is food for my ears, your music is poetry that speaks to us individually." ~ Julieanne

“I wanted to thank you for a wonderful evening last Friday. I have always loved your writing and you vocals, but I can not describe what a memorable night that was. Seeing you is way beyond a concert, the way you interact with the audience, the way you are a truly humble and genuine person made a night I will never forget. Thank you for a truly life altering night!”

"You, Roger, were deeply becoming one with your music and the oneness was transmitted to the other band members and it leads to a superb playing together of you all. It must be an absolute uplifting experience for musicians to create music in such a way. You all surely love these moments and also when the spark flies to the audience. Thanks to you all for an wonderful evening. Stay in touch with your hearts and let the music flow. Many Greetings."

"Magnificent performance by one of the most gifted, original and unique artists of our time. So many moments of pure unfiltered joy from that show."
~ James

"I thought I had understood the deep essence of your brilliant music before but I humbly realised, I could still discover the deeper side of it and feel the love you sing, the transcendental Love which helps and amazes so many people around the world. Can't wait to see and hear you again and re-connect with your music. Thank you for being you, an amazing talented artist and touching human being."~ Mila

"What a fantastic set, the best one ever . I took another friend with me who has never seen Roger except with Supertramp and he was raving about it and said it was 1000 times better than he ever expected and the best he has ever heard his voice, and will go and see him again."~ Clare

"I just got home from your concert you just played, and you wereAMAZING! I am 21 years old, and have been listening toSupertramp since forever, my dad got me hooked! Your voice wasALWAYS my favorite and I was just in awe tonight!" ~Janessa

"All the hits Roger still has it. Voice, moves and passion. It was such a pleasure to listen to him play all the songs that meant something to him and he passed that enjoyment on with each note. I never sat down. I sang along. I was thrilled that he played all my favorites. The venue was the perfect size for the intimate concert and I saw parents bring their kids and the kids singing along. This music is timeless."

"God certainly blessed our world when he gave us Roger Hodgson." ~ Judy and Bob

"What a joyful entertaining evening! The entire audience was mesmerized. You lifted the audience up with your thoughtful words and music.The old songs, as well as your new material, were fantastic. It was wonderful seeing an entertainer enjoying the evening as much as his audience."~ Mary

“You sprinkled Magic in thefoothills of the Cascade Mountains. Your music transcends alltime and ages. I have never witnessed a stronger connection ofLove between an Artist and their audience.”

“These hours were the best of this year and I'm deeply touched by the music of this man. His songs come from his heart and they touch my barest soul.”

“What a great experience to have been there tonight. The concertwas beautifully performed and mixed at the board as well. I'veperformed in or seen a number of shows in my life, probably over500 at least. This one truly stands out as memorable amongthem.....”

"This was the 5th time I've seen Roger Hodgson over 2 and a half years, having traveled quite lengthy distances and it is definitely worth it! He is truly one of the most amazing artists ever. His connection with the audience is like nothing I've ever seen. His music and spirit draw the audience in and it's like magic for the entire concert. I would encourage anyone who is or was a Supertramp fan to experience this if at all possible.Favorite moment: When Roger played the electric guitar!"~ Kathy

“So refreshing to be among such brilliant, humble musicians who play truly for the love of music. Sharing and including the audience to create an atmosphere of a large group of friends of various ages and all walks of life getting together to celebrate the joy and sound of magic.... Oh what a wonderful journey each song takes us on..”~ Amy

“Attended your concert last night with 2 friends almost exactly 35 years to the day that we saw you with Supertramp. We all agreed that we have never felt more connected to a artist as we did last night. Thank you so much for sharing your stories behind some of our favorite songs. You added a deeper meaning to the music that already had so much meaning for us.”~ Dave

"We could have stayed there easily another 2 hours just listening and singing along. I saw Supertramp more than 25 years ago at the Rosemont Horizon. I enjoyed that show, but I must say I enjoyed this so much more. You sound even better now!"~ Gina

“Your performance was incredible. Your solo version of Even InThe Quietest Moments literally brought tears to my eyes. Theband is top notch - so incredibly talented. The harmonies spoton - the energy fantastic. Your voice has aged so beautifully -the same passion coming through with every note. I have neverbeen to a show where the between-song banter seemed so heartfelt. Calling out fans who requested songs - who does that?Roger you have done what I thought wasn't possible - afterseeing you live I am even a bigger fan of yours than before.” ~Ricky

"I will remember this evening forever I cried tears of pure joy during the whole show ! You have touched my heart in a way i could never come close to explain !!!"~ Kristin

“After forty plus years of loving your music, I am so thankful to have seen you live. You elevated my spirit and made me even more thankful to be alive. Hope to see you again.”~ Geoffrey

"The concert was fantastic, the best that we have seen yet. Roger Hodgson, the band members and the orchestra are so connected to each other, truly amazing. Roger Hodgson is so down to earth, so calming to the soul. His music reflects a true connection to life, to genuine heartfelt emotions. Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts in your music to us."~ Deb

"When you play, it is as if you see your daughter or young son right there in front of you and we are children happily singingwith you and your special family. That magical bond of love isthe only this that is real in this universe. The rest are simplymemories. We all feel your light shine as you soar throughoctaves and crescendos of beautiful stringed arrangements andharmonies." ~ Jeff

"Just wanted to say that I went to the Roger Hodgson concert and it may have been the BEST concert I have ever seen. Roger's voice is even better than it was when he was with Supertramp. My friends and I were blown away by the sheer talent Roger has. I would highly recommend anyone to go see Roger live if they can. Thank You Roger for a wonderful, entertaining night."~ Danny

"There were smiles. There was joy. There were tears as he sang the songs that helped us through the bad times. The melodies and harmonies can not be replicated except by the master himself.. This, my friends, is the music that connects all of us. It was a dream come true to see him, I suggest all do the same. Mr Hodgson is one of us. Thank you for the memories. God Bless you sir-you have helped more folks than you can imagine with your heartfelt songs."

"Roger Hodgson has created music that will live forever. Our lives are that much better because of masters like Roger. Through all the roads we have gone down, Roger's music was there to make life a bit easier. The Beethoven of our times, Roger will be with us forever."

"Roger, your music has been my best friend through good times and bad...... and whenever a song of yours comes on"Roger, your music has been my best friend through good times and bad...... and whenever a song of yours comes on, the troubles of everyday life never seem that bad. Thank you...... from a diehard fan from way back!" ~ Ronald

"He gives us beautiful, touching music. What is closer to heaven on this earth?"~ Carol Dean

"I had the best time since I don’t remember. Thank you for the precious time you gave us." ~ Jean-Marc

"Never have I seen an artist on stage make such a full and beautiful sound. You were able to create it all." ~ Alex

"Roger gives his heart & thus touches the hearts of his audiences. He comes out on stage and the connection is immediately there - everyone uplifted. You have to experience it, feel it yourself- human language lacks the words to describe it."

"Roger Hogdson concert's yesterday was magnificent.. It was the best night of my life.. Roger and his band were simply amazingly out of this world.. They started from SCHOOL, had BREAKFAST IN AMERICA and made us simply DREAMERS..They set the crowd on Fire."

Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (20)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (21)Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (22)
Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp. (2025)


Roger Hodgson, former vocalist and songwriter from Supertramp.? ›

Charles Roger Pomfret Hodgson (born 21 March 1950) is an English singer, musician and songwriter, best known as the former co-frontman and founding member of the progressive rock band Supertramp.

Who sang vocals for Supertramp? ›

Roger Hodgson of Supertramp. Singer-Songwriter of Give a Little Bit, Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, Dreamer, Take the Long Way Home, School, & more!

What is Roger Hodgson doing now? ›

Supertramp's Roger Hodgson Announces New Album

I'm so excited to be offering my long awaited upcoming new album release of Classics Live 2, I have remastered these beloved classics at Abbey Road Studios last year, in preparation for selling this year on my 2020 tour that had to be moved to 2021.

Did Supertramp have two singers? ›

Marked by the individual songwriting of founders Roger Hodgson (vocals, keyboards and guitars) and Rick Davies (vocals and keyboards), the group were distinguished for blending progressive rock and pop styles as well as for a sound that relied heavily on Wurlitzer electric piano.

What is Rick Davies of Supertramp doing now? ›

After recovering from a cancer diagnosis in 2015, Davies, 78, performs two or three times a year in a bar in Long Island, New York, where he lives. He plays old-style blues and the odd Supertramp song.

How many lead singers did Supertramp have? ›

Supertramp was an English progressive rock band from London. Formed in 1969, the group originally consisted of bassist and lead vocalist Roger Hodgson, guitarist and vocalist Richard Palmer, keyboardist and vocalist Rick Davies, and drummer Keith Baker.

Who sings falsetto in Supertramp? ›

Davies's voice is deeper than Hodgson's, and he usually employs a raspy baritone which stands in stark contrast to his bandmate's tenor. However, he occasionally sings in a falsetto which superficially resembles Hodgson's vocals, such as on "Goodbye Stranger" and "My Kind of Lady".

Why did Roger leave Supertramp? ›

Hodgson felt increasingly constrained in the group context, and during the tour for ... Famous Last Words... he made the decision to leave Supertramp. He has stated that there were not any real problems in his relationship with Davies, as was speculated.

Does Supertramp still exist? ›

Supertramp, the iconic London rock group who achieved great success in the 70's and 80's are still touring to their legions of devoted fans globally.

When did Supertramp disband? ›

Supertramp lost popularity in the 80s because the band splintered in 1983. Roger Hodgson, co-lead singer and co-lead songwriter, left the band in 1983 after their 1982 album Famous Last Words.

Which songs did Roger Hodgson write? ›

Welcome to the official website of Roger Hodgson, the legendary co-founder of Supertramp and singer-songwriter of the classic hits "Dreamer," "Breakfast in America," "Give a Little Bit," "The Logical Song," "Take The Long Way Home," "It's Raining Again," "Fool's Overture," "School," "Hide in Your Shell," "Lovers in the ...

What was Supertramp's biggest hit? ›

“Just Another Nervous Wreck” (Breakfast in America, 1979)

(Famous exception: the Beatles' “Penny Lane” b/w “Strawberry Fields Forever”, from 1967.) Davies' “Just Another Nervous Wreck” was the flipside to Supertramp's biggest U.S. chart hit, “The Logical Song”, released in March 1979.

Is Roger Hodgson still touring? ›

Roger is still giving concerts, often playing alone, but from time to time is joined by other musicians or has a full orchestra accompanying him.

What nationality were Supertramp? ›

Supertramp is a British rock band. They were created and managed by a Dutch millionaire and were very popular in the 1970s. The members of Supertramp included Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson, who wrote most of the songs.

Is Supertramp progressive? ›

Although Supertramp started out as a fairly conventional progressive rock and psychedelic blues band in the late 1960s they adapted their sound to a more commercial and FM friendly style; not from any cynical standpoint but because they were desperate to stick together.

Is Rick Davies related to Ray Davies? ›

Rick is also no relation to Ray or Dave, but he did see the Kinks once at a show at the University of Essex.

Who sang for Joe Exotic? ›

Those who suspected some sort of Milli Vanilli-like hijinks were right. Not only was Joe Exotic not singing those tracks, he didn't even write them. The songs are the work of Vince Johnson and vocalist Danny Clinton.

Are supertramps still together? ›

Supertramp has announced plans for their SUPERTRAMP FOREVER TOUR, their first live performances in more than five years. Joining Supertramp's founder, lead singer and keyboardist, Rick Davies, are legendary Supertramp members John Anthony Helliwell, saxophones and woodwinds, and Bob Siebenberg, drums.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.